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5 Steps to Successful Meetings in English

Conducting a meeting in English can be intimidating.

But if you are like most international lawyers, the path to success can seem like a mystery.

You have probably been discouraged or fearful. So, you avoid getting involved in professional activities where English is spoken. As a result, you remain stuck and isolated.

Today, I will show you common phrases that you can rely on in any meeting and erase your fear. These trusted phrases will save you time and help you succeed.

Step 1: Introduce yourself

First, start by welcoming the client and introducing yourself.
• “Good morning / afternoon”
• “Let’s begin” / “Let’s get started”
• “I’d like to welcome everyone”
• “I’d like to thank everyone for coming today”
Second, introduce yourself:
• “I’m [your name]. I’ll keep this meeting brief as I know you’re all busy people”
• “My name is [your name] and I arranged this meeting because”

Step 2: Ask others to introduce themselves

• “Let’s introduce ourselves quickly – please tell us your name, job and why you are here.”
• “Let’s go introduce ourselves. Who would like to begin?”

Step 3: Set the agenda

• “We’re here today to discuss”
• “Today, we are talking about”
• “There are a few items on today’s agenda”

Step 4: Define action points to be completed before the next meeting

• “Before the next meeting, I want [action point] to be completed.”
• “By the next meeting, [Name], can you complete [action point]?”
• “Who will be responsible for [action point], to be completed by the next meeting”

Step 5: Close the meeting

• “It looks like we’ve run out of time, so I guess we’ll finish here.”
• “I think we’ve covered everything on the agenda.”
• “If no one has anything else to add, then I think we’ll wrap this up.”
• Thank you for your time today. I think we have made great progress.”


5 Steps to succeed a meeting in English.

  1. Welcome the group and introduce yourself.
  2. Ask others to do briefly introduce themselves.
  3. Set the agenda. Let everyone know what the meeting will be about.
  4. Define what actions needs to be taken before the next meeting.
  5. Close the meeting and thank participants for attending.

None of these lessons matter if you never get started.

Good luck!