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Woman legal English playlist

A new friend of mine teaches English to business professionals. She is a former actress and singer who uses music as her teaching method. She even gets her students to sing!

Well, I am not a singer, so I can’t help you there. But listening to music does help improve your language skills in 3 important ways.

**1. Enhanced Vocabulary Acquisition:

Music exposes learners to a rich tapestry of vocabulary used in diverse contexts. Song lyrics often include colloquial expressions, idioms, and metaphors, offering a dynamic and authentic glimpse into the language’s nuances. As you listen and sing along, you effortlessly absorb new words and phrases, expanding your vocabulary in a memorable way.

**2. Improved Pronunciation and Intonation:

The rhythmic patterns and cadence of music contribute immensely to mastering pronunciation and intonation. Mimicking the way artists articulate words and phrases helps learners develop a more natural and authentic English accent. This auditory training aids in refining speech patterns and enhancing overall communication skills.

**3. Memory Boost:

Music has a profound impact on memory retention. The combination of melody and rhythm creates a memorable learning environment. When you associate English words and phrases with a catchy tune, the information becomes more ingrained in your memory, making it easier to recall and apply in practical scenarios.

Here is my playlist on Spotify to help you master legal English.